Mirko’s on-line solo exhibition
Organized by the DoBe Group and the Sino Italian Design Exchange Center, the personal exhibition “X-ˈkrôsˌōvər” of designer Mirko Tattarini inaugurated at 12.00 Italian time on Nov 21st. Co-organized by Associazione sì giovani artisti(ASGA) and House of Art&Artists, the exhibition is supported by
Mirko’s talk on Rare Disease Hackaton
During the 2020 Forum Sistema Salute Mirko Tattarini had a dialogue with well know journalist Luca Telese about the 2020 Rare Disease Hackaton. A good opportunity to concentrate our energies on a theme which, due to its very nature, does not
Forum for Future 2020
Mirko Tattarini appointed Art Director of the first edition of Forum for Future that will be held in Florence next may 7-8. Give energy to the future! https://firenze.repubblica.it
“Tempo bastante” – RIP Rutger
Ogni qualvolta ho bisogno di trovare ispirazione mi ri-guardo Blade Runner. E nessuno dei personaggi ha più significato per me di Roy Batty -a parte l'incondizionato amore per Pris e Zhora
MRK just designed the new logo for the forthcoming event Cracking Cancer, to be held in Florence next 9-10 May. [video width="860" height="720" m4v="https://www.mrkstudios.it/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/CC1.m4v"][/video]
Exhibition “Oggetti Migratori”
Inspired by migrations, dedicated to migrations and migrants, as we all are. Mrk curated an exhibition at Limonaia di Villa Strozzi organized together with the ISIA students of Strategic Design course at Master.
On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the too charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble that