In a land of caravans, once crossed by the Silk Road, the heritage of nomadic culture is strong and evident. And if matching this fact with a rich gastronomic culture the result cannot be other than copper. Kitchenware and dishes had to be light and unbreakable in a caravan, that’s why ceramics were banned in favour of metallic objects, specifically copper because of its availability and ease of processing.
Mrk tried to design an egg pan to revitalise the use of copper with a link to contemporary mood escaping the idea of tradition as just “preservation” and getting rid of the culture of souvenir as a design disease.The first object we re-designed is a pan for eggs, so much in use in the region. Pure copper with tin finishing on top, simplified in the shape but still linked to tradition in the whole appearance.
Design: Mirko Tattarini
Materials: Copper
Status: prototype